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Color: silver or  plated 
Size: Adjustable (one size fits all) They are "petite" looking. Looks cute on a pinky finger

Kitten Ring

Ring Color
  • Did You Know?

    1. Cats can drink sea water in order to survive. Cats kidneys filter out the salt from the water so they can re-hydrate themselves.
    2. Cats don't have sweat glands,  they cool off by sweating through their paws. Their sweat glands secrete a scent they use to mark their territory. When they walk or scratch they are actually marking that spot as their own.
    3. Cats spend 70% of their lives sleeping. 16 hours a day! Cats need an enormous amount of energy to hunt, or play. Sleeping is their way of storing up energy.
    4. Disneyland owns about 200 cats. Every night, the cats are released in the park to hunt down all the mice.
    5. The existence of cats can be traced back to the Middle East. Every single domesticated cat can be traced back to one of five African wild cats from 8000 BC.

    If you'd like to adopt or donate please consider Animal Haven

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